SQL-Life.com is an Access database table repair and database conversion to web application consulting and hosting service.
We have been providing database hosting and helping companies develop, repair, and upgrade their database applications for 25 years. If you are struggling with table corruption or Unrecognized Database Format errors, we can help you resolve those issues quickly and permanently.
Our expert DBAs and developers can help you build a custom web database application for your business or organization. With Microsoft Access' upcoming end-of-life cycle, it's critical for you to plan now. We can help you preserve the applications you've written in Access and make them universally accessible by converting them to a web application. For example, if you've developed a timesheet entry system in Access, we would help you convert that system so that your users enter their time from any web-accessible device. It's the same data, just a different front-end interface. Instead of opening a static Access application, your employees and customers have mobile access to everything they need from a secure website.
SQL-Life.com's core competencies include:
Resolving Access database table repair
Addressing Unrecognized Database Format errors
Migrating databases to web applications
SQL database hosting